
Visit to Imaginarium Factory by students of J K Diamonds Institute

About 50 students of J K Diamonds Institute of Gems & Jewelry visited the Imaginarium centre. Imaginarium is known as the largest 3D printing company in India.

3D printing technology is reaching new heights and the gems and jewelry industry is no exception. Hence, it is necessary for students to gain access to the knowledge of this trending technology. Students were shown different product ranges that Imaginarium manufactures, for their own products and on job-work as well as the manufacturing process.

A seminar was also organised for the students to understand the 3D printing technology better and see the range of application of this technology. Specially use of nylon-based fashion jewelry fascinated some students. Mr. Kamlesh Parekh, of the Imaginarium management, was also present to motivate the students.

"Imagination Unleashed: J.K. Diamonds Institute Students Explore Imaginarium Factory!"