JK Diamonds – Best Diamond Grading Institute in India

Which is the best diamond grading institute?

“Cut, Clarity, Carat, Colour”- these are some gemologist jargons you must’ve heard of at jewellery stores and among diamond merchants. Are these factors of diamond grading enough? Let J K Diamonds Institute, a pioneer in diamond grading education break this down for you.

What exactly do these terms mean?

The 4C’s of the diamond ie. cut, carat, colour, and clarity are globally known standards for assessing the quality of diamonds. Top Universities and institutions have accepted these standards of assessment and impart training along these factors. However, diamond grading standards in the market are evaluated on the basis of factors beyond the 4C’s, such as- demand and supply factors, labor cost, changing and ever-evolving technology, regional differences, etc.

So, is it beneficial to enrol for a diamond grading course that limits its teachings to just the 4C’s? 

Go beyond Limitations:

To solve the issue of limitations, J K Diamonds Institute of Gems & Jewelry has introduced the concept of 7Cs and 7S’ to determine the quality as well as the price of diamonds keeping in mind practical market reality. The Institute is a renowned institute pioneering in the field of diamonds, gems & jewellery for over 3 decades. The curriculum and syllabus designed for the diamond grading course is in line with the industry standards and most importantly, market practices. 

“Perhaps time’s definition of coal is the diamond.”

― Khalil Gibran.

Our country’s diamond industry is a product of long endured hardship and perseverance. The waves of COVID-19 have set new standards for the industry and miners, manufacturers, retailers and traders have banded together to uplift the drooping spirit of the industry. The diamond industry in India is back in action and the future of this industry shines brighter than ever! 

From beginner to expert in 8 weeks

Well, the formation of a diamond takes ample amounts of time but the formation of your career in this industry will be brief. Thanks to J K Diamonds’ 8 week course on diamond grading which takes up the challenge of turning newbies into expert diamond graders. 

100% practical training

The coaching at J K Diamonds is 100% practical. Experts at JK understand that diamond grading is a subject that requires hand-on expertise over theoretical knowledge. Of course, a basic understanding of the theory in this subject is important. However, the way this knowledge is imparted to the students ensures that they’ll memorize this information for the rest of their lives. The training is provided keeping in mind the day to day life of a diamond grader, trader, manufacturer and exporter. To lead a life that serves the diamond industry, students must be trained accordingly. 

Creators of the 7Cs and 7S’ of diamond grading

J K Diamonds Institute is the first institute that goes beyond the 4Cs of diamond grading and has curated the concept of 7Cs and 7S’ that burst the myth “4Cs are the ultimate factors to evaluate the value of a diamond.” The 7Cs and 7S’ are exclusively taught by the experts at J K Diamonds Institute. These are very important to understand the market based valuation system.

Knowledge that upgrades along with time

This Institute keeps up with trends and trade that surrounds the gems and jewellery industry. The trend of smaller star-melee and -2 sieves diamonds is taking the round in the current world of fashion and jewellery. Most Institutes still focus on training using bigger (solitaire) diamonds. Well, to survive in this dynamic world of fashion and jewellery, one cannot afford to neglect the value of studying trends and catering to the on-going demands of the audience. Therefore, training should cover diamonds of all kinds. J K Diamonds institute trains practically on diamonds of all shapes and sizes (from -2 sieves upto solitaires) for better understanding of the subject. The best diamond grading course should also include practical sessions using diamonds of fancy shapes and diamonds with variety in colors from D to Z, i.e. international color grading terms as well as domestic dolor grading terms. Practical training is also imparted on rare colored diamonds. 

Practical grading and assortment of these precious diamonds will help students excel in the real diamond market. 

Creation of lab certificates

Lab certificates are essential when you’re dealing with diamonds. It is a certificate that defines the characteristics of the diamond. Jewellers today have started issuing their own lab certificates for diamonds. Why do jewellers do that? Lab certificates issued by jewellers instead of 3rd party laboratories are a way of building trust and loyalty around the brand. Such a practice implies that customers can trust the brand over a 3rd party certificate. When your vision is to create a brand, you should have the knowledge of how to create a lab certificate for your own brand. Hence, the best diamond grading institute would ideally train you on how to create lab reports. At J K Diamonds Institute, practical training is provided in understanding and creating lab reports for loose diamonds, gems as well as jewelry. Knowing how to create Jewellery lab reports is of paramount importance, specially for jewellery retailers.

Entrepreneurship in the global as well as domestic market

At J K Diamonds Institute, dreams have no boundaries. We instill the idea of entrepreneurship in our students. Therefore, learning entrepreneurial skills is important. Training is not limited to the international grading systems, it covers domestic trading parameters as well. India was one of the earliest and the only source of diamonds on a global scale for the longest time, the country is still seen as one of the pioneers of trading in diamonds. Hence, learning the skills of trading in the domestic diamond market is essential as that is the source of global diamond trade.. 

Walk the talk of the industry

Diamond grading courses are available all over the world, offered by different Universities and training Institutes. The best diamond grading course should include trading terminologies that take rounds in the jewellery market, import and export knowledge of the diamond industry, knowledge of diamond jewellery which includes grading as well as manufacturing jewellery. All of this is taken care of in the Diamond Graduate Course by JK Diamonds Institute. 

Acquire expert color & cut grading skills

A diamond grader must be trained with the diamond color grading knowledge. When we think of a diamond, we think of a transparent gemstone. However, did you know that a colourless diamond is very hard to find? Colourless diamonds are very rare and they are highly priced. Most diamonds are found in almost any naturally occurring color, including gray, white, yellow, green, brown, and pink. To master the skills of colour grading, learn from the experts at J K Diamonds Institute. 

Knowledge of rare fancy colors such red, golden (vivid yellow), green, cognac, champagne colored diamonds are also imparted at J K Diamonds Institute along with their color grading terminology.

Similarly, it is also essential for students to have the knowledge of Cut grading. This Institute has introduced new copyrighted technology enabling cut grading by adding two more effects of star and OTE for accurate cut grades without use of expensive instruments. You surely are tempted to learn more about this.

Learn how to Identify and grade lab grown diamonds

Do you know what Lab grown diamonds are? These are real diamonds that are grown in a man-made setting, an exact replica of a natural diamond. Identification of synthetic diamonds/lab grown diamonds and its grading is of paramount importance today due to increase in export demand with a growth of more than 100% each year!

Industrial Visits

Well, learning does not end in the well-equipped classrooms of J K Diamonds Institute. Students are given the opportunity to explore the world of gemstones at factory and mine visits, visits to the diamond and gem markets, as well as exhibitions. These outgoing are not just fun-filled, they impart knowledge that will last a lifetime.

Great opportunity to Network

The Institute has a good chain of networks which form a part of the industry. When you walk in to seek knowledge, you also get the benefit of building connections with brands and people from the gems & jewellery industry. Needless to mention, networking is an important part of the journey to be successful in the diamond industry.

Stay updated

The students and Alumni of J K Diamonds institute are provided with an access to the Learnathon application that allows them to stay updated with the latest additions in the course curriculums and market updates. This application is mobile-friendly and available on both Android and iOS. 

Learn more about the fascinating world of gems and gemology at JK