
As I write about Jewelry designs and the Inspirations behind such designs, one must note that designs can be of any form. However, the concept behind every design is important and plays a crucial role in creating a distinctive design each time.

Creating a Concept

Now, how to create a concept is a question which arises to most of us when we begin to design.

Here, we need to take a step back and acquire Inspiration to create a particular concept. The purpose is to get inspired from things which give you a different concept and to evolve the design around its uniqueness. Primarily, Inspiration is the only key to Designing and Innovation. So let’s get started with how to acquire Inspiration while creating a Design.

The Traditional Era

Let’s go back in the era where you had no internet access and no catalogues to view designs. During those times people used to take inspirations from their beautiful surroundings.

When you start thinking their way you automatically focus on creation of your own. You can simply start meditating for a few minutes before you start off. I might sound like your Yoga Guru but this is the right way to explore one’s self.

In terms of art, it is just an expression of your thoughts and feelings. Each person has a different thought process and a different way of expressing, which make your designs unique.

Now getting back to inspiration, when you start exploring yourself and the surroundings you will be able to find inspirations anywhere and everywhere.

Get Inspired

Firstly, our best inspirations come from our mother nature. For example, think about the simplest, flowers; observe its different forms, colors, textures, sizes, patterns, way it blossoms and several other things. Similarly, nature has a wide range of inspiration which can be easily explored by most of us and helps us create different concepts around it.

Moving to the next mode of Inspiration. We are surrounded by various man made objects we come across throughout the day.We can get inspiration from all of them.Why not our favourite – CHOCOLATES. Notice its wrappers, the style of packing, the moment you unwrap,the feeling of seeing your favourite chocolate, the taste, the shape and various flavours of chocolates. All these again are forms of Inspiration which we come across in our day to day life.

Are you the one who is always aspiring to become the Jewerly Designer in your family and friends then you have to check out our Manual Jewelry Designing Course. A cpurse designed for you to learn at your own pace coupled with many visits to many exhibitions and workshops to gain real word epxosure

Yet another way to get inspired may sound a little weird. But it’s the Rhythm and Sounds surrounding us. We come across different kinds of frequencies,be it the little birds chirping, wind blowing the trees, the constructions taking place in the neighbourhood, the babies crying and screaming, etc. The wave length and beat of each of them are so different that they can affect our moods altogether. Some make us feel happy, some sad, some irritate you while some attracts your attention so well that you just can’t stop listening. All of these feelings, when you try putting on paper, will give you ample concepts for designing.

If you are still wondering how this is possible, let us see a practical example.

Leading by example

Before going ahead with the example, it is noteworthy to mention that inspiration is a feeling, means an emotion which a human being feels in some situations. Now let’s see how an emotion does turn to our inspiration.

I stay in Mumbai and close to the famous Marine Drive. Once, when I had been for a walk, I just sat at the shore observing The Marine Drive promenade surrounded by trees and buildings passing through it is a beautiful array of lights which is why it is also called as the Queens Necklace. I have been seeing this place since childhood and it is evolved in such a way now, that it connects with you remarkably. And a month back the Queens Necklace completed 100 years, again a proud moment.

All these thoughts going through my mind created a feeling which I could only express on paper which in turn lead me to create the design on its evolution and a tribute to the Queens Necklace.

Each person, as I mentioned earlier has a different thought process and feeling which can lead to various inspirations and concepts.The best way to achieve this is by disconnecting yourself from the rest of the world and concentrating on your inner soul which has the power to make things possible your way.

Generally, when a designer is asked to create a new design they restrict themselves to creatively evolve the design and start brainstorming ideas which are registered in their brains and try modifying the same ones.This will not fulfill your requirements nor bring out the best of your capabilities as a designer.

A designer is the creator of a new design rather than just copying or modifying an already available design. This sounds too harsh but this is the bitter truth which needs to be changed for you to sustain your originality as a designer and make a mark in the field of designing.

Learning and gaining technical expertise is necessary but more importantly, this needs immense practice.

Now, sit back, disconnect yourself and explore your surroundings to come out with an innovative concept for your design. Happy Designing!

Below are few more inspirations and designs for you to check out.

About the Author: Hetal Khandhedia
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Born in Mumbai, Hetal is a professional Jewelry Designer and the winner of the prestigious National Jewelry Awards, 2016. She specializes in rendering with water colors and gouache techniques.Her artistic mind and keen eye for detail has earned her immense reputation in the industry.She has worked for Aspire Designs for their Brand MVEE as an in-house designer. Later she took up freelancing as a part of her career for various reputed brands. Currently,pursuing Diamond Graduate from J.K. Diamonds Institute and also mastering her skills in Jewelry Manufacturing, she is soon to launch her Brand for exclusive jewelry designs!

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