J K Diamonds Institute of Gems & Jewelry

This article was first published in 2009 in Heera Zaverat – IIJS special issue. The same is replicated here for digital presence.

First Time J. K. DIAMONDS INSTITUTE has introduced 7 Cs and 7 S’ in their training system. The continuous upgrade in the training program has made J.K.D.I.G.J. popular in India and abroad.

After their research, J. K. Diamonds Institute introduced two more effects in a Diamond, ‘OTE’ and ‘Star’. With the help of these effects Cut Grade as Very Good, V. Good to Good, Good, Fair and poor, can be easily distinguished by any person without measuring the proportions such as crown angle, crown height, pavilion height, etc. This system has already been introduced for students in its Diploma Course of POLISHED DIAMOND GRADUATE (P.D.G. – ADVANCED). Wide Range of Stock and High Quality Practical Training and Valuation of any grade, size, color and cut makes J. K. Diamonds Institute in the diamond market and most of the showrooms.

J. K. DIAMONDS INSTITUTEOF GEMS & JEWELRY (J.K.D.I.G.J.) has conducted successful batches in major cities like Kolkata, Bangalore, Bhopal, Jamshedpur, Rajkot etc.

Any person who requires further information can contact on: +91 98206 83390 / +91 9619057706 or visit www.jkdiamondsinstitute.com

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