J K Diamonds Institute Launches Synthetic Diamond Grading And Assortment Module

With the advent of growing tension among the Diamond, Gems and Jewelry industry due to doubts of unethical mixing of synthetic diamonds (HPHT/CVD) in parcels of natural diamonds, the need had arisen to enable simpler identification and grading of synthetic diamonds.

Accordingly, in a FIRST, to help the industry to evolve with the new technology based synthetic diamonds, J K Diamonds Institute of Gems & Jewelry has launched Practical Synthetic Diamond Grading and Assortment module in its Polished Diamond Graduate Course to meet the Industry requirement.

There are several sophisticated equipments to identify synthetic diamonds, most of which only tell you that for identification, further laboratory testing is required. It is claimed that this method is just another way of minting more money for Laboratory businesses. This becomes tedious for the traders and jewellers as it diverts their attention from their core business.

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Therefore, this course attempts to benefit in raising doubt of synthetic diamonds visually without the need of expensive machines and also grading of such synthetic diamonds (HPHT/CVD). Across the world, synthetic diamonds are steadily creating and evolving its own market that is running simultaneously along with the Natural Diamond market.

Jaynil Ajmera, Gemologist at J K Diamonds Institute states “Though this (synthetic lab grown diamonds) is perceived as a threat by most, there is also a new opportunity and scope for diamond jewelry as a luxury product for the masses and not just restricted for the elites.”.

Already well known in the Diamond, Gems & Jewelry market for high quality practical training, J K Diamonds Institute has had a long association with the industry with owners of B N Jewellers, Mukti Gold, Surana Jewellers of Jaipur, HVK International(Sight Holder), Mother Gems, Popley & Sons, Shah VanajiKesaji/Shah Chain, Ranka Jewellers and several top diamantaires and jewellers who have completed their training here.

“Our focus is on creating students who are industrially equipped with practical skills from a business as well as career perspective instead of video/presentation or lab based learning”, concludes Jaynil Ajmera.

Uncover the enchantment of rough diamonds through JK's specialized Rough Diamond Graduate program