Girdle Treated As An Additional Facet By J K Diamonds Institute

This article was first published in 2006 and is replicated here to give it a digital presence.

J K Diamonds Institute of Gems & Jewelry, Mumbai, has added girdle as a facet in Round Brilliant Cut (‘RBC’) Diamond. With this addition, the total number of facets become 59 (58+1).

For the first time, girdle of a diamond has been included as a facet. Mr. Kirit Ajmera, Founder, giving more details, said that in a 58 facet diamond, we include table as well as culet as a facet. However, girdle is also required to be included in the number of facets as there are different parameters in a girdle. For example, girdle may be Medium to Thick, Faceted. Thus, the Institute imparts detailed practical knowledge of girdle as well. Such kind of knowledge is important as a Girdle features such as thick, very thick or extremely thick are not preferable.

Furthermore, J K Diamonds Institute, in their research, have also discovered two new effects in a diamond (other than Heart & Arrow), i.e. OTE and star effects. With the help of these effects, cut grading of a diamond such as Excellent, Very Good, Very Good to Good, Good, Fair and Poor, can be easily distinguished by any person without measuring the proportions like crown height, pavilion depth, etc. This system has been introduced for students in the Diploma course of Polished Diamond Graduate (PDG Advanced).

Such market driven and innovative upgradations as well as Wide range of stock and High Quality Practical Training which includes valuation of any grade, size, colour and cut makes J K Diamonds Institute famous in the diamond market and most of the showrooms/retain owners. In fact, several students have enrolled at J K Diamonds Institute even after completing courses from other places to learn in-depth 7Cs and 7S in the practical training program.

J K Diamonds Institute has also conducted successful batches in several major cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaleru, Bhopal, Indore, Jamshedpur, Rajkot, etc.

For further information, you can contact on +91 98206 83390 / +91 96190 57706 or visit

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